Daniyal Talat
3 min readAug 5, 2020

Facebook is Fatal for the Young Generation

Advancements in technology bring enhancement in connecting people together as much easier as it can. One of the greatest inventions of human being is the cyber connectivity due to which communication is becoming trouble-free. As it is making life simple, complications are also a part of cyber connectivity. Individuals are getting more comfortable online rather than having face to face communication. Easy access, fast tracking connection, quick responses and less time consuming mechanism, making people isolate in their homes and held captive inside their rooms with their devices in their hands; busy surfing on intern for hours. The most common cyber connectivity is social media. Social media is being utilized around the globe frequently especially by young generation.

“Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks: it gives us immediacy, direction, and value as an individual”.

-David Amerland

Indulging oneself for hours on internet not just for work but also for entertaining purpose; young generation lost contact with real life shenanigans. Keeping themselves busy using social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, YouTube, What’s App and many more; young generation not just losing physical contact but also developing many mental illnesses. Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Insomnia are most common mental illnesses diagnosed by physicians after psychical health crisis of young generation. Most of these young generation utilizing social networking sites are at the age of 13 to 30 which was reported by WHO in 2012. Economic enhancement rose up to 20% due to social media usage in 2015. Believing on the giving facts, individuals are more into cyber connection than physically going out for work. They prefer sitting home and surf internet all day instead of physical activities. Due to this reason many individuals are suffering from obesity and have major consequences in related to wellbeing.

“What consumes your mind, controls your life”.


Controlling young generation’s life, the most utilized website among young generation is Facebook. Facebook is the largest free and easily equipped platform created by Mark Zuckerberg, for connecting with heterogeneous people. Almost 350 million individuals are active on Facebook, sharing their utmost experiences of life span. Being easy accessible and possessing many benefits, Facebook also have many negative impacts on young mind and body. Where Facebook is blamed for inducing sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety; also being accused of having fatal effects. These effects may include: misuse and misleading information, cyber bullying, fraud business promotions, fake propaganda regarding government, politicians and famous celebrities. The effects are not only targeting adults but young generation around the globe is suffering as well. Young mind is been occupied with negativity rather than positivity and it is ruining their youth. Most probably the reason behind is that the young generation been effected by negative outcomes of Facebook utilization than instead of positive features of Facebook. It is a prison, where you talk to walls, pretend to be someone you are not, being poked by people you don’t see or meet in real life, posting things you don’t mean or better want people to know indirectly, etc. The worst form of living a happy life is the social networking life which is full of darkness and mishaps.

“You are responsible for everything you post and everything you post will be a reflection of you”.

-Germany Kent

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