Mega Project Blog#1 ( Circle 6)

Daniyal Talat
5 min readSep 29, 2020



It has been a great learning experience since the day we joined Amal Academy. We as a team is approaching towards the Mega Project, we look forward to achieving the target that we have set out with the shared concern of our team members.

Bringing Books to Life/ Rejuvenating Books


“Every child and every young person have a right to enjoy life with books, even those who cannot read.”

As indicated by surveys led around the world, under 1% of the distributed data is accessible in exchange and available configurations for use by people with disabilities. The absence of books and perusing material negatively affects the training, business possibilities and character advancement of people with visual impairment.


There is no updated accessible reading Material available for visually challenged community because of that their knowledge remain limited. Visually challenged community are marginalized community and over 5% in population in Pakistan. Issues they face in their education is lack of reading materials. Material presented for teaching are in hard copies so they cannot get the required knowledge from it. They use JAWS (a software) to study. JAWS is a software that talks back which help them to listen and work accordingly but the issue with this software is that it cannot operate the URDU language. Other than their studies, students who want to read novels, books, articles are unable to do so because there is no updated accessible reading material available, so their knowledge remain limited. This is important because they feel discriminated and they are the citizen of our nation so they should be included by making everything accessible.


There are few organizations which are operational and recording books for visually challenged community and we will do our part in this as well. “Rejuvenating Books/ Bringing Books to Life” will help visually challenged community to keep on carrying on with full and free lives by making reading materials accessible for them.

How are we going to do that?

We will record books , novels, or articles for them. These books are named as “audio films” as these contain awesome audio cues. These books are a significant wellspring of diversion as well as they will give huge information to the audience members.

We will share audios, videos, and vlogs of this campaign on social media to engage and attract more audience as we are going to spread the roots of this organization to the national level and on international level through social media. We are also collaborating with different organizations that are already doing that kind of work like School of Inclusion, Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness etc. these organizations will also share our recordings on their social media platforms that will generate more impact.

Work in Last 15 days:


We as a group talked to NGOs that are working for visually challenged community and send our project proposal, they really loved it. NGOs share their work like how they record it because of this pandemic their professional recording rooms are closed. So, they share the medium ( A recording app) which is used by them to record books. We as a group downloaded this app and used as a test. It is the highest rating voice recording app and we are really satisfied with this medium.


Because of this pandemic we arranged a zoom meeting for our group in which we discussed regarding the books as which books to record and how many will be enough.

We came on a conclusion that why not ask the NGOs what kind of books they are looking for. We able to limit the number of books to 2. As we try to limit the books, we will put all our effort to create more impact by sharing the recorded books all over social media platforms.

The books which was given to us by the NGO according to their need are:

· Apni talash ( Qasim Ali shah)

· Vision Beyond Sight (Iman Ilias)

Social Media Impact:

We created Facebook page, twitter, Instagram page and Youtube channel for our project.


Youtube channel:




It is a Self-funding project.

Planning and division of work among members:

We are 6 members in our group:

1. Gulnaz Nawaz:

She created our social media pages and channels. As per recording books She will record ( Apni Talash ) Page numbers 1–31.

2. Hamnah Mehmood:

She is the graphic designer of our group. She will spread awareness through her art. As per recording She will record (Apni Talash) Page numbers 32–60.

3. Usama Aslam:

He will combine all the recordings at one place and edit them. He will record the remaining part of the book ( Apni Talash) Page Number 61–88.

4. Syed Mazhar Ali:

He will do the writeups. He will work on our social media pages and write our progress. He will record ( Vision Beyond Sight ) Page Number 1–18.

5. Sardar Shahzeb Ajab:

He will look after our social media platforms and advertise them digitally on different known or popular platforms. He will record (Vision Beyond Sight) Page Number 19–39.

6. Daniyal Talat:

He will share these recordings with different NGOs and will act as a helping hand for other team members in their work. He will record (Vision Beyond Sight) Page Number 40–58.

End Note:

We accept that “rejuvenating books” is a noble motivation that will do a lot of useful for individuals. We will serve the visually challenged community in a superior manner. We are so yearning about this task; we are likewise looking for help from different NGOs that how we can chip away at it in a successful manner.



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