Visualizing Your Experience

Daniyal Talat
4 min readOct 14, 2020


Back to the day, when I was scrolling down on Facebook an ad pop of Amal Academy Career-Prep fellowship and I started reading about this opportunity. In the middle of the pandemic, I thought this opportunity was the best. I applied and got selected which was the first step of this amazing experience.

I am an introvert so meeting with strangers, chatting with them, and starting a conversation is not my thing. Here comes the day of the 1st session, I was a bit nervous. ok, I accept I was very nervous as I saw unfamiliar faces on my screen. But I remain positive and motivated for this learning experience. As I have just one thing in mind, “Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let’s keep on going till the very end.”

Now, when this fellowship is entering into its last phase, I am writing this to just sit back and remember the fruitful moments from this fellowship. From the first day at this fellowship, the learning environment is something that attracted me to participate more and more. This fellowship helped me to come out from the shell and be the best of myself. For the first 2 weeks, I learned about the ‘Principle of Amal’ and about ‘Amal Values’.

It was a great experience to learn about Amal Values. It provided us with a strong platform to work on.

  1. Honesty: Do not do morally unacceptable things.
  2. Responsibility: It means that when we promise to do something or to commit ourselves, we should do it in every situation.
  3. Growth: When we aim to do more by ourselves in some way, it means we’re growing.
  4. Humility: It’s the greatest feeling ever to live a humble life.
  5. Acceptance: You listen to or value other views, even though you know they’re wrong. Respect for other opinions.

These Amal Values influenced me not just in this fellowship but also outside of this fellowship. I try to implement these values from the day I learned about them. I try to be as honest as possible. For me, honesty is not just something about speaking the truth, but it is something that should be reflected in every act.

In simple words for me, Responsibility is something that you do the things that are said by you under the umbrella of moral ethics. I was a bit lazy in this regard, but I worked on this thing and try to respond as much as I can of my stuff as time passes by in this fellowship.

Firstly, accepting your weaknesses then working on your weaknesses is the first sign of a growth mindset. A growth mindset can lead to professional success. This is something I try to apply to every step of this fellowship.

I guess humility is the quality of being humble. Whenever you won as a team and you did most of the work you can show humility by giving credit to your team for the achievement. Leading my Mega Circle Group helped me in trying to implement this value in my professional as well as personal life.

The last and most important Amal Value is ‘Acceptance’. As we are in the middle of this pandemic situation we all are from different backgrounds which leads to different views of the same thing. For the learning environment to prevail acceptance of what others have to say is need of an hour. Try to listen to understand not to respond this is the main key.

This Amal Journey has taught me many things. From working on my Strengths stories to working on my weaknesses. This journey helped me as to how to improve my CV and my cover letter and the best part is not diverging from the ‘Amal Principle’ or ‘Amal Values’.

Amal Principle taught me about the importance of Teamwork which helped me in my Mega Project Work. If I narrow down my experience of this fellowship in one line, I will say “This is one of the best 3-months of my entire life.”



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